Wednesday 18 July 2012

You’re Bathing Wrong?

For a healthy and happy life you must get an education, find a partner, earn lots of money and wash everyday, right? Wrong! Well, the first three maybe but the latter is scientifically bad for you.

Yes, although it is encouraged by your family and piers from day one, it is actually better for your body to give a shower a miss from time to time; it could potentially lose you friends, but on the other hand it is healthy, here’s why…

Bathing daily scrubs off a protective layer called ‘horny’ (this blog is not a joke or lie). The horny layer protects our living cells, and by getting rid of it, you increase the risk of disease; we say disease but it’s probably mainly acne; which is also not cool.

Here’s for the worst part, showering does not actually get rid of bacteria, it simply moves the little guys around so you may end up with bacteria from let’s say a ‘less heavenly’ part of your body on your hand or better yet, your face.

We’re not saying resort to one shower a week because it’s socially unacceptable, will lose you friends, and possibly get you beaten up: but, once or twice a week you need to give your skin a rest from constant vigorous showering.

A great way to preserve your horny layer is to use only a small amount of soap when showering, using moisturiser and air drying yourself rather then rubbing with a towel. Yes, swanning around your house naked in front of the neighbors or housemates may be frowned upon, but at least you’ll be safe in the knowledge that your beloved skin is forever horny!

At Bathroom City we offer a huge range of shower heads with various settings that could help you preserve you skin, keeping you vibrant and healthy.

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