Tuesday 10 July 2012

Save the Planet: Buy a Toilet?

Let’s face it, as a race we’ve got a lot to feel guilty for, almost everything we do destroys the atmosphere around us. Of course it’s almost impossible to live in modern society and be eco-friendly: you certainly can’t cycle everywhere, not use deodorant (well some do) or do your business in a hole in the ground.

We’re all for free-thinking and having an open mind but when you roll up to your friends wedding on a bicycle, smelling like a bin and wearing a sack: you will lose friends, rapidly.

There is a solution to ridding the guilt of what scientists call the ‘human footprint’ or what others call ‘path of destruction’, and it can be done through your least suspected possession; the toilet.

Put the spade down! We’re not asking you to start digging your very own pollution potty; we’re talking about eco-toilets.

Eco friendly toilets come in all shapes and sizes, from realist additions to contemporary toilets to WCs which may lose you more friends then the previous ‘cycle and sack’ analogy. We’ll start with the most unrealistic purchase for your bathroom suite.

The ‘Squat’ Toilet

An example of a public Squat Toilet
Not so sure whether these are eco friendly or just bad craftsmanship but this elegant play on the ‘hole in the ground’ can be found all over the world, in particular in Africa.

The toilet does exactly what it says on the tin: squat over the hole making sure the weight is on your heels as to prevent any messy accidents, do your business and then flush using a pale of water.

Oh, and bring your own toilet paper, and a bag to put that in because if you throw toilet paper down it you will block it and potentially upset an entire community.

Composting Toilet

The Composting Toilet can be used in a modern home
Again, another eco-friendly alternative is the Composting Toilet, which combines a two vault system which allows all of your brown gems to decompose over a period of 6-9 months.
 Why two we hear you cry? The toilet system works as a cycle, so as one ‘composts’ the other is a free chamber for public use and urine and wash water are funneled to evaporative plant beds outside.

After every use the toilet requires a cup of wood ash to be thrown down it to help the composting process and stop it from smelling: the best bit is after 6 months you can fertilise your garden!

Dual Flow Systems

We agree that the above should probably be reserved for the third world and really keen gardeners, but there is a way you can help the environment with a simple, affordable purchase.
Come and check out the Rak Series at one of our showrooms 

Toilets operating with a ‘dual flow’ cistern limit your water use and save you money. With a simple press of one if the toilets two buttons you can choose whether your ‘business’ deserves a half or full flush.

We have a huge range of eco friendly toilets in our Bathroom City showrooms such as the Rak Series, which offer the choice of a guilt ridden, 6 litre or an eco-friendly 3 litre flush. Start saving the planet now and take a look!

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